Game Design Portfolio

This project was designed to showcase how to update an existing projects code (that used the Old Input System) to use the New Input System.

Some of the features updated include:

  • Breaking the Player, Drone and Forklift Actions into their own respective Action Maps and Actions, making use of the same keyboard controls W, A, S, D, R, F and Q but providing different functionality depending on which Action Map is active.

  • Interactable events now use a single interact button 'E' with interactions - 'Tap' and 'Hold'.

  • Destructible crate event now destroys one or many pieces depending on whether the 'Tap' or 'Hold' interaction was triggered.

  • Project now supports Keyboard and Xbox Controller.

Please play the game in Fullscreen mode.
Pressing the 'ESCkey will exit Fullscreen mode.

If you get stuck because you accidentally exited an event too soon, please refresh the page as there is no functionality yet to reverse the event system.

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